*** The 5 minute Configuration of mIRC 3.92 *** and mIRC 4.0! Print this file, it will make life much easier. A- Click on FILE, then OPTIONS, then SOUND REQUESTS 1. Place a check in all boxes 2. Fill in a valid directory of where your wavs are stored .i.e. C:\wavsounds\ B- Click on DCC, OPTIONS 1. Check Auto-get and minimize, auto-accept, autoclose, etc.. 2. Change all timeouts to 999 3. Fill in same directory as you did in step A-2 C- Click on Tools, Remote, Events 1. Place a check in "Listening" 2. Cut and paste (or type) the following line in the Remote Events: 1:ON TEXT:!yournick*:*:/dcc send $nick C:\wavdir\ $+ $parm2 3. Replace "yournick" with your nickname (leave the ! and *) 4. Change the directory to the same as in A-2 (put the \ at the end) 5. Watch your spacing in the above in because it is very important. D- Click File, setup, local info. 1. Make sure your IP address is correct, if not you will not be able to send files. If your not sure, clear all text in the fields and check "On Connect Always get IP and Local Host" ALIAS Setup The following makes the sending and receiving of wavs much easier. 1. Click Tools, Alias.. 2. Cut and Paste (or type) the following below anything else that might already be in you aliases window (spacing in this line must be exact) /s /sound # $1.wav < $1.wav > *2 (this command works in both 3.92 and 4.0) If you want to use the regular mIRC command (who would?) here it is: 3.92: /sound filename.wav comment 4.0: /sound #channel filename.wave (comment opitional) 3. Click OK. WHILE ON THE CHANNEL: To play a sound (you must have the wav in order to play it) type the following on the command line w/o quotes "/s SOUND any text you want." Replace "sound" with the name of the wav (no need to use .wav at end) and type your text after it (some text must be placed at end) Example: If I type: /s cool This is cool. Then it would play the file cool.wav and display "This is cool" in channel. To get a sound when you see the message "sound doesn't exist" type !nickname filename.wav Replace nickname with nick of person who just played the file and filename with the name of the file just played. If the other person has their mIRC setup right you will automatically be sent that file! Thats it! Now go play some wavs! Compliments Of Debbie. Undernet: #wavAddiction #mIRCwav #!mIRCwav #wavAddiction is the offical WaVeOuT support channel!